Useful Links
The links provided here are companion to the customised planetarium shows and the concept of planetarium education which imparts astronomy in schools in a novel way. These links will guide students, parents and teachers on the subject of astronomy. They blend with the planetarium book series and tests.
- Forum(Members Only)
- SPACE Tourism
- Astronomy Lecture
- Recommended Books
- Competitions
- Astronomy Olympiad NAO
- Scholarship Exams
- Career Counselling
- Astro-Viewer
- ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation
- Indian Metrological Department
- NASA National Aeronautical Space Administration
- HUBBLE Space Telescope
- SOHO Observatory - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- ISS International Space Station
- ESA - European Space Agency
- Stellarium - Night Sky Software
- Eclipses
- Astronomers With Out Borders
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- Preserving the Dark Skies
- International Astronomical Association - IAU
- Astronomy Online
- SETI - Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence Project
- Ask An Astronomer
- EarthKAM (Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle School Students)
- Astronomy Events for various Indian Cities
- Great Indian Star Count and Globe at Night
- A Learning Center for Young Astronomers
- Astronomy for Kids
- Seismology - Science behind Earthquakes
- NASA Videos Archive / Library
- National Council for Science and Technology
- Department of Science and Technology
- Celestia - Space simulation software to explore Universe in 3D
- Vigyan Prasar
- Galaxy Zoo
- Teachers' Astronomy guide
- Scale of the Universe
- Tonight's Sky