Fixed Planetarium Domes
Usually, a fixed planetarium especially a fixed public planetarium built by a science museum/ centre in a city is often perceived and promoted as a tribute to the history of science, our understanding of the heavens above and achievements of human space endeavors. In a way, it epitomizes science and technology from the point of view of a common man. The architectural ambience of a planetarium in a city's skyline often reflects the same in an epic form. The outside surface of a planetarium projection dome screen is always hidden as it is enclosed in a protective structure that is usually of brick and mortar called envelope/ shell. It is this envelope/ shell that usually designed from aesthetics point of view to give a fixed planetarium a suitable epic ambiance. The envelope need not necessarily be dome shaped. Decision makers, for the envelope's ambiance, can choose from many options that are available nowadays in cost effective aluminum composite panels (ACP). The ACP construction also takes less time to construct.
Ballari Science Centre
Ujjain Planetarium
Aries Observatory
Fixed Planetarium Projection Dome Screens (Aluminium and Fibre - FRP)
A fixed planetarium projection screen is defined as the curved surface (hemisphere) where the planetarium projection of the sky/ videos is done. A fixed planetarium projection screen unlike, its envelope/ shell has to be necessarily dome-shaped as the sky above our head is also dome-shaped. We supply aluminium and fibre - FRP planetarium projection dome screens of various sizes for fixed planetariums.
Conceptual Drawing for Fixed Planetarium Dome :
Aluminium Domes for Fixed Planetarium
  • These fixed planetarium projection dome screens are made of perforated aluminium channels of suitable gauge that are supported by MS structure.
  • The perforated channels are riveted to the MS structure to finally form the planetarium projection dome screen.
  • The MS structure is provided with vertical uprights that are grouted/ moored on the floor.
  • Extra care is taken to make the joints as seamless as possible.
  • The domes' projection surface is painted in Grey color that is conducive to the contrast (dark sky projected) of the projector.
  • The domes are available in various sizes up to 15-metre diameter (seating capacity up to 300 reclining chairs).
  • The micro perforations in the aluminium channels make these domes acoustics (echo) compatible.
Fibre - FRP Domes for Fixed Planetarium
  • These are fixed planetarium dome screens made of perforated Fibre channels of suitable gauge.
  • The perforated fibre channels are riveted together to finally form planetarium projection dome screen.
  • Extra care is taken to make the joints as seamless as possible.
  • The dome's projection surface is painted in Grey color that is conducive to the contrast (dark sky projection) of the projector.
  • The domes are available in various sizes up to 15-metre diameter (seating capacity up to 300 reclining chairs).
  • Smaller fibre domes of up 7-metre dia. can also be hung to the ceiling.
  • The micro perforations in the fibre channels make these domes acoustics (echo) compatible.
  • Specifications, wherever, mentioned are subject to change without any notice.
  • Photos/ Images of the various items may differ from actual items.
  • The domes are designed, supplied and installed by our fabrication contractors.
  • The acoustics for the dome and spring line is designed, fabricated and installed by our acoustics contractors.
  • Conceptual drawings are also available for civil construction, spring line, acoustics and seating arrangement.
  • We also provide consultancy regarding setting up a public or private fixed digital planetarium.